Save Soil Journey Highlights March

Dec 4, 2022, London

We are delighted to bring to you a very special and exclusive glimpse of the last week in the journey as Sadhguru interacts with the general public and influencers.

#SaveSoil Journey Highlights

A glimpse into the launch of Sadhguru’s historic Save Soil Journey.

First Save Soil MoUs Signed with Caribbean Nations

The UK stands up to Save Soil

Save Soil Journey Begins in London

Policymakers Speak

United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) and United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) extend their support to the Save Soil movement.

UN World Food Programme, India Country Director, Bishow Parajuli

UN World Food Programme Asia Pacific

Ibrahim Thiaw, Executive Secretary of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification

Influencers Speak

World-renowned life and business strategist, Tony Robbins

In the Media

Watch what the world’s leading and most prominent news outlets have to say about the Save Soil movement.

The Daily Show with Trevor Noah Hosts Sadhguru

Reuters Reports Sadhguru’s Journey as ‘A Mission to Save the World’s Soil’

German International Broadcaster, Deutsche Welle, Reports the Save Soil Journey



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