In Tantalizing Tel Aviv

Jun 16, 2022, Tel Aviv, Israel

It’s Day 48, and we’re in Tel Aviv. In Istanbul, we thought the volunteers were magicians for putting together an event in three days. Here, in Tel Aviv, the venue was secured with a day to spare, the event was planned in less than 30 hours, Sounds of Isha found musicians at the venue who had come for the event, they learnt a Jewish song right then, right there, and performed it on stage the same day. Long exhalation. To top it all off, it was a fantastic sellout crowd. Enthusiastic, energetic, participatory—an electrifying atmosphere in every way. 

No logic, only magic.

“Roles change, new things come up and you go with the flow,” says Arush. He’s part of the Camera Team. What he was assigned to do and what he’s actually doing are different things, naturally.

“I was supposed to direct the entire event in terms of video because after the journey ends, we’re supposed to make two documentaries out of it. So this is what my initial role was. What I’m doing right now shooting as a camera person,” he says with a knowing smile. “I’m mostly trying to make sure we capture every bit of Sadhguru—not only in terms of the documentary we will be making, but also in terms of archival footage. This is archival footage. This is not going to happen again. And we want to make sure that every bit that Sadhguru does or everything that happens around Him gets captured.” 



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